Giveaways, Kids

You Can Never Have Too Much Flair! (Giveaway CLOSED)

414 Comments 01 February 2009

Take a look around here really quickly. Yup, that’s right — look around. Any guess as to my favorite color? Hmm, if you’re thinking it’s blue you get a big red x, my friend. So, let’s see, what could it be…do do do…um, oh yes! Pink! I love pink, and my tendency to purchase clothing in all shades of pink actually earned me the nickname “Pinky” in college. As Elle from Legally Blonde would say “It’s my signature color!”

In case you’re wondering why I’m suddenly talking about my favorite color, I’ll just go ahead and explain where this is going. Last week I got an email from one of my favorite companies, Boon Inc. detailing all of their newest products. (If you haven’t already noticed my love for Boon, you can read my reviews of the Frog Pod, Animal Bag, Snack Ball and Flo, and their new Bug Pod and Flo in Pink) So, I’m scanning this email and suddenly I notice that the super-modern, super-cool Flair High Chair is now being offered in Pink! I swooned, and immediately emailed the folks at Boon to tell them that I am “utterly in love” with the newly-tinted Flair. Little girls everywhere will be able to rock the Flair in Pink just in time for Valentine’s Day!

Pink Flair Highchair pneumatic lift

The Flair is truly the crème de la crème of highchairs and, as with all Boon products, proves that you don’t have to sacrifice style for functionality. A pedestal highchair, the Flair has a pneumatic lift that makes adjusting the height virtually effortless. The seat is seamless, which is fantastic for clean-up because I SO hate cleaning in all of those little crevices (well, I so hate cleaning in general, but that’s a whole ‘nother post…). The Flair has a chemical-resistant, waterproof pad that can be easily removed for cleaning, a five-point harness, and an adjustable tray. The pedestal base slides smoothly in any direction on six urethane casters that will not scratch your floors, and has a hands-free braking system that quickly and simply locks the chair in place. It’s also non-toxic…the Flair is BPA-free, PVC-free, and Phthalate-free.

Did I mention that it’s fantastic to look at? Seriously, where highchairs are concerned, this one rocks!

The new Pink Flair is being released soon and will start shipping from Boon’s website and Amazon starting in the middle of this month!

So, are you feelin’ the pink Flair? Boon has generously offered to giveaway one of their new Pink Flair Highchairs to a very lucky Chic Shopper Chick reader!

For your initial entry, visit the Boon website and tell me what other product, besides the Flair, do you like? After that, every other (pertinent) comment left on this site on other posts from now through February 15th will count as an extra entry each. In other words, if you really want the Flair you’ve got great odds! As usual, extra entries are also available for stumbling Chic Shopper Chick (leave your stumble name), subscribing to my site, following me on Twitter, and blogging about this giveaway with a link back here. Please put all extra entries in separate comments and leave those comments on this post. Good luck, and get commenting!

US entries only, winner will be chosen via at the end of the contest. Winners are posted here, please leave a valid email address or blog address if you’d like to be contacted should you win. Winner has 72 hours to claim their prize. This contest ends at 11:59 pm CST on February 15th, 2009.

Your Comments

414 Comments so far

  1. Tiffany says:

    i subscribe

  2. Tiffany says:

    Love the snackball would be great for traveling.

  3. Lauren says:

    I subscribed to your feed.

  4. Donna K says:

    following on twitter. (donnak4)

  5. Donna K says:

    I am a subscriber.

  6. Lauren says:

    The Fluid Toddler Cup is very unique.

  7. Donna K says:

    I like the frog pod.

  8. Caryn Bailey says:

    I love our Boon Potty Bench and Frog Pod

  9. Suanne Giddings says:

    Trio Animal Bag
    Thank you for such a useful giveaway.

  10. Catherine KingChuparkoff says:

    While the flair is amazing, the bath toys and holders are wonderful as well!

  11. Kaycee says:

    I’m an email subscriber!

    kayceewilliams at gmail dot com

  12. Kaycee says:

    I would love to try the Baby Food Dispensing Spoon- looks so cool!

    kayceewilliams at gmail dot com

  13. Leslie says:

    The potty bench

  14. Leigh Nichols says:

    I LOVE the Trio Animal bag!

  15. Mark W says:

    the Potty Bench

  16. Casey B says:

    I like the snack ball – in pink!

  17. Michelle H. says:

    The potty bench is really nice.

  18. Stephanie says:

    Other than your giveaway…My favorite boon product would be the boug pod!

  19. Sonya says:

    I love the Trio Animal Bag!

  20. Keonte says:

    I subscribe to your blog.

  21. Keonte says:

    I follow you on Twitter (Luvdamall).

  22. Keonte says:

    I love the potty chair.

  23. Susan P says:

    potty chair, thanks

  24. kathy pease says:

    following u on twitter klp1965

  25. kathy pease says:

    i love the lady bug pod its so cute :)

  26. Al Barnes says:

    Simply Awesome!

  27. Crys L. says:

    I like all of their utensils and plates, bowls, etc.

  28. Jennifer Jozwiak says:

    I really like the Otto animal chair. Cute and useful!

  29. lace says:

    There are so many amazing things I love at Boon. The flo and their jewelry line top my favorites.

  30. xenia says:

    I’m also swooning over this awesome pink chair, it would be perfect for my little girl! Boon makes such neat products, I think one of the animal bags, the Flo, or the potty bench would also be great to have. Thanks!

  31. heather s says:

    I subscribe.

  32. heather s says:

    I like the Flo.

  33. amy h says:


  34. amy h says:

    I love the idea of the Trio Animal Bag. It gives stuff animals a home other than the floor, and gives kids a soft seat.

  35. Patricia says:

    Otto bag, please.

  36. tony says:

    i love the fluid.

  37. toni jensen says:

    I follow in twiiter collyn23

  38. toni jensen says:

    i love boons feeding sets

  39. Sarah Mitchell says:

    I subscribe.

  40. Sarah Mitchell says:

    I love the fluid toddler cup.

  41. Following you on twitter! (monkaroo)

  42. The Scrubble is adorable!

  43. Christine says:

    Fliud toddler cup is really cool! I love the BPA free and modern design!

  44. Brooke says:

    I subscribe.

  45. Brooke says:

    I like the Potty Bench.

  46. P. Harmon says:

    I need the animal bags, but I have always wanted to try the Flo, the thing that fits over your bathtub faucet.

  47. AmandaMaria says:

    I think Flo is very neat. I love the Flair and Pink!

    We could really use the basics but something liek this would just blow us away. Thanks so much for the shot to win! :)

  48. Martha J says:

    I like the Bug Pod!

  49. Jennai says:

    The Bug Pod is pretty cute!

  50. Carolsue says:

    I like the Oval Animal Bag

  51. R Hicks says:

    I am also a newsletter subscriber!

  52. R Hicks says:

    The frog pod is awesome and everything is so kid friendly!

  53. Following you on Twitter: mary_fb.

  54. I like the Potty Bench, very…hip!

  55. Denise says:

    I really like the Bug Pod. Thanks!

  56. Asher says:

    The boon frog pod is cool

  57. Chrysa says:

    I’m following you on Twitter. (My username is @ThriftyJinxy)

  58. Chrysa says:

    I like the animal bags!

  59. Crystal says:

    I just Tweeted. My username is ctb0520.

  60. Crystal says:

    I subscribed via My Yahoo!

  61. Crystal says:

    I just stumbled this. My username is ctb0520.

  62. Crystal says:

    I love the oval animal bag!

  63. ky2here says:

    The catch bowl is very clever and practical.

  64. Sherry R says:

    I’m a subscriber.

  65. Sherry R says:

    I really like the Frog Pod!

  66. shawna says:

    The potty bench looks interesting.

  67. prplrush says:

    Thanks for this great giveaway! I love the flair! I also absolutely love the Groovy Interlocking Plate and Bowl Set on their site. Thanks again :)

  68. Amanda U. says:

    I’m a subscriber.

  69. Amanda U. says:

    I’m a twitter follower (amandatinkerbel)

  70. Amanda U. says:

    I’d like to try the snack ball in orange.

  71. Kym says:

    I like the Potty Bench.

  72. Danielle says:

    following you on twitter!

  73. Jennifer Hedden says:

    the Potty Bench

  74. joanna smith says:

    I am following you on Twitter. My username is joannaonthelake

    I also Twittered about your giveaway. Here is a link to my Tweet:

  75. joanna smith says:

    I am a current email Subscriber. Thank you!

  76. joanna smith says:

    I am so feelin’ the Pink Flair, just perfect for my 6 month old daughter! Another Boon product that has caught my eye is the Potty Bench Training Toilet with Side Bench. I think this will come in very handy in the not too far off future! Thank you for the opportunity to enter!

  77. Colette S says:

    I love the potty bench

  78. Rose Roberts says:

    I love the lady bug pod – it’s adorable and so useful

  79. Marcy says:

    I like the Flo, looks incredibly functional!

  80. Kelly says:

    The pink flair is awesome!!

    :) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)

  81. Steve Scott says:

    My wife wants the potty bench

  82. Michelle Berry says:

    I LOVE the Boon Frog Pod…The Pink Highchair is so pretty and girly. My little one would think she was a queen with one of…Thanks for the Chance…

  83. Valerie Ann says:

    I also like the Groovy interlocking plate and bowl set. Thanks!

  84. Linz says:

    These are lovely – my favorite – the frog pods (I also love the pink highchair)
    Super giveaway.

  85. Dan says:

    I like the frog pod

  86. carol drury says:

    wow – so cool – love the frog pod too!!

  87. Lisa Fosses says:

    I like the potty bench

  88. Lisa Vitovich says:

    So, I have told all of my pink lov’n mommies of little girls about your site and this awesome giveaway!! I think we are all becoming addicted…and feel better that there are more PINK lovers out there!!

  89. Christie says:

    My favorite is the Catch Bowl, in orange. I plan to get that for an older, special needs child. I think it will be very helpful for him, and his mom who has to do the cleanup.

  90. Katelyn says:

    I think this is great: flo Water Deflector and Protective Faucet Cover with Bubble Bath Dispenser

  91. leah says:

    I love the Trio Animal bag, such a clever idea to keep all the stuffed animals all neatly together!

  92. Sherri B. says:

    It is so cool that they have this in pink now! I would love this for my goddaughter! I also really like the oval animal bag. Great for storage and the kids lounging on. Thanks!

    sherri419 at gmail dot com

  93. Brittney says:

    I really like the auto and trio animal bags.
    So practical and cute.

    Of course I love the high chairs!


  94. N Moyer says:

    The Boon Frog Pod

  95. sal williams says:

    The potty would be my choice. That is an ideal product. Very nice giveaway. Thanks.

  96. I’m a sucker for a frog pod. Too wonderful. Great giveaway.

  97. Dani says:

    I really like the Frog Pod – cute and practical.

  98. Andrea says:

    Hurray for a pink high chair!

  99. Reva Skie says:

    I love the potty bench. So functional, yet unobtrusive.

  100. Karen P says:

    Love the Bug Pod, thanks for the contest, please enter me.

  101. This is so adorable. I would love one of these.

  102. Lauren says:

    I love, love the high chair! But another favorite it the stuffed animal storage and soft seat.

  103. Lauren says:

    RRS reader :Netnewswire

  104. Heather says:

    I’m a Subscriber!

  105. Heather says:

    This would be awesome to have! I have the frog pod and love it! I would also love to have their potty chair.

  106. I didn’t realize Boon had jewelry! I love the worm bracelet. :)

    Totally need a highchair, so hoping I win!!


  107. Elissa says:

    I love the Frog Pod!

  108. Lisa Vitovich says:

    I follow you on twitter!

  109. James Jenkins says:

    otto animal bag

  110. allie says:

    i follow you on twitter! (aplotaxisamomum)

  111. allie says:

    i subscribe!

  112. allie says:

    i stumbled! (aplotaxisamomum)

  113. allie says:

    i love all of Boon’s stuff — aside from the Flair chair, i love the oval animal bag and the scrubbles bath toys!

  114. diana says:

    i follow on twitter!!

  115. Kim says:

    I like the Groovy interlocking plate and bowl set. Thank you for the terrific giveaway!

  116. jayne says:

    My fav is the Otto Animal Bag! thank you!

  117. Betty N says:

    I love Boon products especially the “feeding” line such as the catch bowl and Bendables Adaptable Utensils.

  118. Estela S says:

    I follow on Twitter, too!

  119. Estela S says:

    I am a subscriber!

  120. Estela S says:

    The LadyBug Pod is sooo perfect for our bathroom!! Please enter me to win this Flair!

  121. Jamie W. says:

    I’m a subscriber!

  122. Jamie W. says:

    I love the Frog Pod and the potty chair. Boon has fabulous products!

  123. Dina says:

    I am an e-mail subscriber.

  124. Dina says:

    Follow you on twitter.

  125. Dina says:

    The trio animal bag is my favorite – in addition to the fab pink high chair, of course!

  126. Aisling says:

    The Flair Highchair is absolutely my favorite product at Boon and the new pink color rocks! Now I can have the pink Groovy Interlocking Plate & Bowl set to match. (I really love all their eating products too.)

  127. Mary Lynch says:

    I love the frog pod!

  128. autumn says:

    the bug pod looks way cute and super useful

  129. Bettina says:

    I love the Frog Pod!

  130. djp says:

    we will be needing one of these real soon!

  131. Thao says:

    I subscribe via email.
    member (dot) thao (at)

  132. Thao says:

    I have always liked the Frog Pod. I have not been able find a tub toy wrangler as cute as this frog.

    member (dot) thao (at)

  133. Beth says:

    I subscribed

  134. Beth says:

    I’d like to try the suction bowls.

  135. britt farris says:

    following on twitter! (@britzy2)
    wonderfullymade729 at gmail dot com

  136. britt farris says:

    wonderfullymade729 at gmail dot com

  137. britt farris says:

    love the oval animal bag
    wonderfullymade729 at gmail dot com

  138. Jamie says:

    I would love to have the potty bench for my grandkids.

  139. Keitha says:

    Email subscriber

  140. Keitha says:

    I love the Frog pod. All boon’s products are fabulous though.

  141. Jennifer says:

    I subscribe by email too!

  142. Jennifer says:

    The Flo sounds super! And I love, love love that pink high chair! It’s great!

  143. JenniMac says:

    Twitter anyone. I now follow you there as well.

  144. JenniMac says:

    I’m now a subscriber. Hooray!

  145. JenniMac says:

    I would love to the have potty bench too! We’ll be there oh too soon and it looks like such a good trainer.

  146. Elizabeth Nelson says:

    I can’t LIVE without the snack balls! I have a dozen and always give them as shower gifts. It’s the best invention for keeping kids food neat and fun.

  147. vicky boackle says:

    the potty chair.

  148. Andreah says:

    Stumbled (andreashops)

  149. Andreah says:

    The Frog Pod is really neat too! I would love to have one for all my boys bath toys =)

  150. Andreah says:

    I love the design of all of the Boon products. Who else has a pink highchair?!?

  151. Andreah says:

    I am following you on Twitter (simplyandreah)

  152. Andreah says:

    I am a subscriber.

  153. Andreah says:

    I would love to try the Flo. It would be so helpful during bath time. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  154. Becca says:

    Am I the only one that was reminded of a hairdresser’s chair when they first saw this? I love it!

  155. Becca says:

    I’ve added you to my Google Reader.

  156. Becca says:

    I first learned of the animal bags when my daughter was a baby. I thought “I hope we never accumulated enough stuffed animals to fill something like that.” Well, two years later we have. And now I’d love that bag.

  157. Leah says:

    I love their Animal Bags I could use a few at my house!

  158. Shannon says:

    I love the look of the potty chair.

  159. Chrysa says:

    I’m following you on Twitter (username ThriftyJinxy)

  160. Chrysa says:

    I like the Frog Pod!

  161. Lynn says:

    I am SO feelin’ the pink flair! ;-)
    I love EVERYTHING BOON. The frog pod is our ultimate fave, along with the potty bench, squirt, the modware utensils and the all new waterbugs. Such great stuff!
    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  162. Lisa Vitovich says:

    I am subscribed!

  163. Lisa Vitovich says:

    Well it looks like I just stumbled across the BEST blog EVER!! My daughter Emerson is 19 months old and the neighbors have nicknamed her Pinky as well!! I was a purple girl until my ultrasound showed me I was having a girl…then EVERYTHING changed!!! I go out of my way to keep EVERYTHING possible PINK for my little PINKY! My husband thinks I’m nuts!! I even scouted out PINK hand sanitizer for her room….it’s addicting!! I was upset that I was unable to find a pink highchair when she was an infant..The BOON seat has a 50 pound weight limit!! 50 pounds! That’s perfect!! Anyways!! Well enough about me!!
    As far as another BOON product…I love the baby food dispensing spoon, in PINK of course!!! And I think it is really awesome that BOON donates 10% of their profits to children’t charities…they really are a stand up company that I am proud to do business with!

  164. Teresha says:

    I’m subscribed!

  165. Teresha says:

    I am loving Boon’s rompers. very cute!

  166. diana says:

    i’m a subscriber!

  167. Michelle says:

    I think the frog pod is supercute and useful too!!

  168. Judy O. says:

    I love the animal bag! I also love this highchair in PINK!! So much cuter than the orange! Thanks for the contest!

  169. Jen H says:

    i want the frog pod and the scrubbles!

  170. Terra Heck says:

    Love this highchair! Another product I like is the Otto Animal Bag.

  171. Jen H says:

    i subscribe through google reader

  172. Following you on Twitter (callmeabookworm)

    Thanks for this great giveaway!
    callmeabookworm at gmail dot com

  173. Love that Potty Chair – it’s not only functional but looks great doing what it does :)

    Thanks for this great giveaway!
    callmeabookworm at gmail dot com

  174. Alexandra says:

    I’m following you on twitter (designbaby)

  175. Alexandra says:

    I’m subscribed to your feed via google reader!

  176. Alexandra says:

    I love the Potty Bench :)

  177. Heidi says:

    I also really like the Baby Food Dispensing Spoon and Catch Bowl!

  178. Emily says:

    My girls would love to play with the bath goods!

  179. Kenneth says:

    Their Frog Pod is great, but I LOVE their Boon Bath Goods (how do those things stick on the wall for so long using water?!). ;)

  180. Bhav says:

    I stumbled your website.
    id- bvij

  181. Bhav says:

    I follow you on Twitter.

  182. Kathy Scott says:

    I would like the Otto animal bag.

  183. Danielle says:

    I subscribed!

  184. Barbara J says:

    All the Boon products have such a great design sensibility. I’d love that potty chair.

  185. Aura says:

    Left a comment on crib bedding 101

  186. Aura says:

    I blogged about the giveaway at

  187. Yvonne Butler says:

    I am a subscriber

  188. Yvonne Butler says:

    I love that they have the oneies in brown for boys. It is such a definate color, not baby yellow, blue or green. They will have to do a boy color besides white for the highchair, maybe brown also.Thanks for the great giveaway!

  189. Amy B. says:

    I subscribe. Thanks again.

  190. Amy B. says:

    I like the frog bath pod. Thanks for the chance.

  191. Casey H says:

    I’ve been in love with the flair since the first minute I laid eyes on it. I just cannot afford it at all!! I also love the bug pod!!

  192. I follow you on twitter.

  193. I like the potty bench. That high chair coming in hot pink makes me happy, as pink is also my favorite color.

  194. Michelle says:

    Subscribed to RSS feed using Google Reader.

  195. Michelle says:

    Following you on Twitter.

  196. Michelle says:

    Boon has some really great products! I like the oval animal bag, the Frog Pod bath toy, the potty bench, and everything else they have on their site!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  197. Erin says:

    What a sweet seat! With a new baby girl coming this month, I would love it! I think that the Boon Squirt spoon rocks, and I’d love to see the Trio Animal Bag in action–cool! <3

  198. Andria says:

    Im a subscriber

  199. Andria says:

    I love the fluid toddler cup

  200. Leah says:

    I am following you on TWITTER….username leahita.

    And, I TWITTERED about this fabulous give~away.

    Thanks again! : )))


  201. Leah says:

    I stumbled this give~away! : )))


  202. Leah says:

    I also subscribe! : )))


  203. Leah says:

    I soooo love the Frog Pod!! So adorably cute!

    Thanks so much for this fabulous give~away! : )))


  204. Linda lansford says:

    boon ladybug bath keeper is my fav

  205. Jennifer Monteiro says:

    I think the Potty Bench is great.

  206. I love the potty seat!

  207. diana says:

    i love the frog pod!

  208. Melissa says:

    I would love the potty bench.

  209. Marci says:

    The otto animal bag would be prefect in our house.

  210. Meg T says:

    Also a subscriber.

  211. Meg T says:

    The Benders untensils and the squirt spoon are both genius designs! I have to get them when my next one starts eating solids-Thanks!!

  212. Maggie says:

    I love the Frog Pod! THANKS for the opportunity!

  213. amber says:

    I subscribe via Yahoo reader also.

  214. amber says:

    I follow you on Twitter (scarletsletter)

  215. amber says:

    I also like the Boon Potty Bench and the Boon Bug Pod, so cute! Thanks!

  216. Carol G says:

    I am a subscriber

  217. Carol G says:

    I like the frog bath pod–it looks both cute and functional.

  218. evelyn says:


  219. Vergie says:

    how safe is it?

  220. LN says:

    Either the frog pod or bug pod will be my next bath organizer purchase :)
    I love their high chair, and I have a 6 month old girl who could use a new highchair since the hand me down we’ve been using for her older brothers is falling apart!

  221. Tracy says:

    I really love the potty bench! What a super idea.This high chair is super cute! Not so old fashion like the others ;o}

  222. Leane says:

    Of course, I LUV the Flair, but besides that I really like the BOON Potty Bench… you can tell we are getting ready to start training.

  223. Courtney B. says:

    I follow you on twitter. @courtneyb613

  224. Courtney B. says:

    I like the Boon potty chair.

  225. Heather H says:

    i’m a subscriber.

  226. Heather H says:

    i loooove this high chair!! i am a few months away from needing one for my own peanut – and she could really use a PINK one! :)

    i also love the prints on the onesies on the site!

  227. Kim D says:

    I like the Potty Bench Training Toilet with side storage. The Flair high chair is so cool! It reminds me of the chairs in a beauty salon, the way it goes up and down. Thank you for a great giveaway.

  228. Keilann says:

    I LOVE the Bug Pod! I’ve always wanted the frog pod, but hands down like the lady “Bug Pod” better! I’m getting this. Would also love, Love, LOVE a pink highchair that’s easy to clean!

  229. laura says:

    love the splat ring toss!


  230. Denise says:

    I like the bathtub toy-keeping frog. And the potty chair!

  231. Aura says:

    I commented on Happy Birthday AG

  232. Jeni Lutz says:

    I like the fluid toddler cup

  233. Aura says:

    I commented on little AG the farmer (she’s really cute!)

  234. Maureen says:

    I like the Flo water detector. This is such a wonderful thing with young children in the bathtub.

  235. Melissa says:

    I love the Frog Pod!

  236. Carol Lawrence says:

    A Trio Animal bAG.

  237. Cathie says:

    I’m a subscriber

  238. Cathie says:

    I love the BugPod and I’m so happy they came out with the Flair in Pink. Just at the right time we just found out the baby is a girl.

  239. Terri says:

    I’ve had my eye on both the Flo and the Frog Pod. Thanks!

  240. My favorite is the frog pod = Bath Toy Scoop, Drain and Storage. Great for cleanup and its cute too!

  241. Bethany says:

    I love the animal storage bags! My daughter has way too many stuffed animals and that would certainly give them a place and more of a purpose!

  242. I like the frog pod for all ages-to make tub time-smile time.

  243. Kirsten says:

    I follow you on twitter: miriama59

  244. Kirsten says:

    I subscribe

  245. Kirsten says:

    I like both the frog pod and the ladybug pod.

  246. Carrie Miyake says:

    I just had a baby girl so I love the pink flair! One other item the I love is the potty bench

  247. Nancy J. says:

    I follow on twitter (nanja46)

  248. Nancy J. says:

    I’m subscribed thru google reader

  249. Nancy J. says:

    I like the Potty ench It is sleek looking and easy to keep clean

  250. Sierra says:

    That is the coolest highchair i’ve ever seen!! i love the “flo” also. what a great idea!

  251. Stacy says:

    Love the potty. It looks so clean and fun.

  252. connie m says:

    I think the frog pod and snack ball look super cool and the quality seems outstanding. Thanks for the opportunity to win such a fantastic prize!

  253. Emilie P says:

    I just subscribed!!!

  254. Danielle says:

    How cute! I love the potty bench, we own 3! One for every bathroom:)

  255. Emilie P says:

    I have the suction bowl and LOVE it!! It works so great and shows the ingenuity and quality of Boon products. I’d love to try out the animal storage bags! Thanks so much!

  256. Heather R says:

    I love the bug pod bath toy!

  257. Jennifer H. says:

    I have the potty seat and it is my favorite. Other than that, I’d like to try the oval animal bag. What a perfect solution for practical and fun!

  258. Reiza says:

    The animal bags are my favorite. I’ve wanted (at least) one ever since they came out.

  259. Mandee says:

    I love love the bug pod, so super cute!

  260. candace says:

    i tweeted… twitter id: dealectiblemom

  261. candace says:

    oh i am in love with this highchair! I also love the ladybug pod… so so cute.. honestly it’s hard to just pick one thing i like from boon.. i like them all!

  262. Bhav says:

    I love the animal bag. Such a neat solution to the sodties problem!
    bvbabybv at

  263. Lisa C says:

    I’m a subscriber.

  264. Lisa C says:

    I love the cute Frog Pod…makes bathtime a lot more fun!

  265. Therese says:

    I like the frog pod

  266. Ali says:

    I have an 8 month old boy, but I am totally hip to breaking the gender lines and would LOVE the pink high chair for him!! I, too, am a boon-atic. I love the new scrubbies for the bath, and the splat bath toys, too. And we hope to get the frog pod, soon.

  267. Joo says:

    Oh, that high chair is terrific. I like the frog pod. too. Thanks!

  268. Kristen says:

    I like the “Flo” protective cover and bubble bath dispenser. Cool design and great idea!

  269. barbara says:

    I like the scrubble bath toy. it looks like a fun toy.

  270. Sharon Jones says:

    am subscribed. thanks

  271. Sharon Jones says:

    Frog Pod for sure

  272. susan varney says:

    i like the potty bench Training Toilet with Side Storage

  273. Candie L says:

    I like the oval animal bag. Thank you

  274. Jen says:

    I love the bug pod – it would be great to clean up after bathtime and not have to put my back through the wringer to do it!

  275. This is a great gift. Please let me in!

  276. Beth G. says:

    I commented on CSC welcomes Sarah to the team

  277. Beth G. says:

    I commented on Happy Birthday AG

  278. Elizabeth says:

    This wouldn’t go with a single thing in my XY-dominated household, but I’d have a baby girl, just for the pink!

  279. Autumn H. says:

    I like the frog pod a lot too!

    autumn398 (at)

  280. Alibi says:

    I stumbled your main page. Username AlwaysAlibi

  281. Alibi says:

    Besides the flair, which I love, I really like
    their Bug and Frog Pods. Always thought they were so cute
    and a great idea for bath toys.

  282. Gloria says:

    They have a great Potty Seat! :)

  283. Chloe says:

    The Flo seems like a great product!

  284. Celeste says:

    I like the Bug Pod.

  285. Nadia says:

    I suscribe.

  286. Nadia says:

    I like the Bug Pod. Thanks!

  287. Katharine says:

    the new bath toys look cute, the waterbugs & splat

  288. Jenni says:

    I love the flo. We have it in our tub and its been great! Thanks for the giveaway – love the highchair!

  289. Rose Y says:

    I really like the Bug Pod. It is so cute.

  290. Kim says:

    I follow on twitter (kgail11)

  291. Kim says:

    I subscribe too

  292. Kim says:

    I love this: potty seat :)

  293. Patti says:

    I follow you on Twitter-psikora

  294. Patti says:

    The trio animal bag is great! I’d love it for all the kids animals!

  295. Lisa Coan says:

    Oops – make that I am NOW following you on Twitter!!!

  296. Lisa Coan says:

    I am not following you on Twitter

  297. Lisa Coan says:

    I am a subscriber :)

  298. Lisa Coan says:

    I really like their bug pod — that lady bug is just adorable!!! and so functional :)

  299. Sandra Brodeur says:

    I also liked the trio animal bag.My great-granddaughter, Lucy, will be arriving in a few months and she would look so good in this Flair high chair.

  300. sandra kao says:


  301. sandra kao says:

    i like the boon frog pod

  302. Sunshine says:

    I love the Boone frog tub toy holder!

  303. Great highchair, very Chic!

    I love the Frog Pod, I think I may have to have one!

  304. sito says:

    Twitter follower, sito50.

  305. sito says:

    I am an e-mail subscriber.

  306. sito says:

    I love this color! Can’t have too much pink, I always say. Another product of Boon’s I like is the Fluid Toddler cup — in pink, of course.

  307. Kathryn L says:

    (hope this doesn’t post twice) b/c it came up w/ “You’re posting too fast.”

    I subscribe!

  308. Kathryn L says:

    like: the Fluid Toddler Cup – great for their little hands to master.

  309. Liz says:

    I’m also a subscriber.

  310. Liz says:

    If only my daughter were still in a high chair–she would FLIP OUT over having this adorable pink one! Even so, it would be great for the new baby (and my daughter can love looking at it every meal of the day).

    I love lots of Boon products, but am hugely fond of the Animal Bag. I think it’s such a clever idea!

  311. Helen says:

    I like the catch bowl! No, wait —– I need the catch bowl!


  312. Karen says:

    I like the potty seats. Um, can I have this in another color though? My grandson might not like pink!

  313. adrienne gordon says:

    I like the Boon Frog Pod.

  314. Amanda B. says:

    I am following you on Twitter. username: ajbeede

  315. Amanda B. says:

    Email subscriber.

  316. Amanda B. says:

    I really love the frog pod!!!! We have to get one real soon because my daughter is getting close to being ready to move from her little bathtub, to the big bathtub. Plus, she LOVES bathtoys, so I am sure Daddy will keep buying them for her!! LOL!!

  317. Jill W. says:

    I’m a happy subscriber, thanks!

  318. Jill W. says:

    I’ve always wanted to try the Flo water deflector-it just looks so cool! And, of course, this high chair-thanks!!!

  319. Rhonda says:

    I follow you on twitter (hondaray6)

  320. Rhonda says:

    I’m an email subscriber

  321. Rhonda says:

    I feel like atraitor…since my favorite color is blue! But I do have 5 boys and 1 girl…so it was stacked against pink! LOL My neighbor is expecting a new baby girl on Valentines Day though…and I’m sure she would cherish the pink Flair!
    I love the Frog Pod! Thats just to cute and useful! Thanks!

  322. Mama Koala says:

    I love the animal bag–what a great idea!

  323. Left a comment on Bye Bye Burpie

  324. Left a comment on In Search Of: The Perfect Pair Of Blue Jeans

  325. Left a comment on Happy Birthday Little AG

  326. I follow on twitter. (3kidsnus)
    cat at 3kidsandus dot com

  327. I’m a subscriber.
    cat at 3kidsandus dot com

  328. I stumbled. Cat3KidsandUs
    cat at 3kidsandus dot com

  329. I’ll admit, I’m a pink-a-holic too! If I had to pick one other product, I’d say the Bug Pod is my favorite.
    cat at 3kidsandus dot com

  330. Vickie Couturier says:

    I am a subscriber

  331. Vickie Couturier says:

    I love the Lady Bug pod,for the tub,how cute is that!But I love that highchair too,wow so cool ,thanks for the chance

  332. Jennifer W. says:

    I’d like to try out the Squirt spoon.

  333. Roxy says:

    I subscribe

  334. Roxy says:

    i love the ladybug bug pod

  335. I follow you on Twitter @ThriftyChicMom

  336. Darlene says:

    The potty bench would be great too

  337. Beth G. says:

    I’m a subscriber

  338. Beth G. says:

    I knew when I read this headline on your newsletter it was for Boon’s highchair. The Flair is my fav and I love all things “pink”!! My other fav is the potty chair. How great to have a modern seat in the bathroom too! Thanks.

  339. Cynthia C says:

    I like the Frog Pod. Thanks for the giveaway.

  340. Teri Carr says:

    I subscribe!

  341. Teri Carr says:

    Yeaaaa! PINK! Yeaaaa! We love everything Boon. We have the bathroom Frog Scoop, and most of the feeding ware for our l’il ladybug. this chair, with all it’s style and functionality would be a dream! Don’t dreams come true? We would like to get the Ladybug bathroom scoop for Lily, too cute. THANK YOU!

  342. Lindsey says:

    following you on twitter {Zeffryn}

  343. Lindsey says:

    I love love loooooove this highchair. Finally, something as simple as a highchair have a bit of pizazz.

    Boon products in general are great. Fabulous innovation at a fabulous price without sacrificing any quality. The animal bags are just awesome and I personally think the Otto would be great for our playroom. Also, the potty bench would be great for our currently potty training 2 y/o.

  344. I love the Flo – water deflector…2nd of course that awesome pink highchair. A perfect throne for a princess without a doubt!

  345. Sharla says:

    I stumbled you and I’m musicmomma. Thanks!

  346. janet lindsey says:

    i just love the frog pod,

  347. Sharla says:

    I already follow you on Twitter!

  348. Sharla says:

    I already subscribe!

  349. Sharla says:

    I love the Bug Pod! And I am LOVING that high chair! Thanks!

  350. Amy says:

    I love the frog pod!

  351. sheila says:

    I follow you on twitter, mom2anutball

  352. sheila says:

    I am an email subscriber!!

  353. sheila says:

    I would like to have their potty bench and the frog pod!

  354. Lori M says:

    I subscribe trough Bloglines.

  355. Lori M says:

    I did the stumble. ID is scrappylori

  356. Lori M says:

    I love that potty bench and the holders for TP and misc. Thanks for the chance to win.

  357. I also follow you on Twitter!!

    (my username is 3boyzmom)

  358. Hi :) I’m a subscriber!!

  359. I love the “Otto” stuffed animal bag, I have stuffed animals everywhere in my kids’ rooms! That Pink Flair is gorgeous! This is one time that I wish I had a girl :) But my very good friend is having her baby in a few months and it’s a girl and this would make the best baby gift ever!!!

  360. valerie m says:

    twitter follower

  361. valerie m says:

    the pink flair is way cute!
    also like the water bugs!

  362. Ashley says:

    I like the snack ball

  363. Nadine L says:

    I subscribe via google reader

  364. Nadine L says:

    The high chair is really my favorite. The pink is fantastic. Not some wimpy pastel pink either, bright pink, I love it. If I have to pick another item I would say the potty chair is pretty cool too.

  365. michelle rosborough says:

    trio animal bag

  366. Michael Capp says:

    I have and love the Frog Pod.

  367. Naomi says:

    I love the Potty Bench, it is the best thing ever! I wish it came in pink, too…Roo would have loved that…

  368. Nicole says:

    I have the saucer in orange. It is awesome. It does not slip at all when the baby eats.

  369. Melissa says:

    i subscribe

  370. Melissa says:

    I really like the Boon Frog Pod and the new Bug Pod!

  371. Jenai says:

    I subscribe

  372. Jenai says:

    I love the potty chair. I have 2 toddlers that I need to start training. I would LOVE this pink high chair. I have an obsession with pink and browns. My girls will hate me down the line:)

  373. Michele says:

    I subscribe!!

  374. Michele says:

    A trio animal bag – thats what I need for my little critter’s critters. LOL

    I love this highchair – it looks like something the Jetson’s would have used.

    Hoping to win!!

  375. Aura says:

    I follow you on twitter aahaft

  376. Aura says:

    I subscribe

  377. Aura says:

    I love the boon frog pod and would love to win the new pink highchair for my daughter. She is currently share the white and orange one with her twin brother and we really need a second one

  378. Vicki Wurgler says:

    we need an Otto animal bag for all the little stuffed animals

  379. MRS.MOMMYY says:


  380. MRS.MOMMYY says:

    love the boon ladybug bath keeper and the potty chairs they have

  381. Riannon says:

    I follow you on twitter (momonamission20)

  382. Riannon says:

    The potty chair would be great. We are going to potty train soon so that would be handy!

  383. Jean D. says:

    I follow you on twitter and saw your post about this Flair giveaway. Thanks for the tip!

  384. Jean D. says:

    I subscribe RSS via google reader.

  385. Jean D. says:

    Besides the nifty-keeno Flair chair, I love Boon’s “Oval Animal Bag.” I could stuff all the stuffed furries in there for handy storage, and then we can sit on it, bounce on it, or simply admire it. What fun!

    Thanks for a generous giveaway.

  386. kristin says:

    The potty bench! I never would ahve done potty training without it! Thanks Boon!

    This chair would be perfect for the new baby!

  387. Mrs. Cox says:

    Twitter follower [email protected]}

  388. Heather H. says:

    I love their potty seat.

    The pink is so cool. :)

  389. Mrs. Cox says:

    Subscribe with google reader: erinstargirl{at}msn{dot}com

  390. Mrs. Cox says:

    Oh I’m so glad they have it in pink now! I liked the orange, but would much prefer a pink high chair. That’s awesome! Other than the Flair… I like both the bug pod and the pink oval animal bag. All of their stuff is so cool and modern. I just love it.

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